Head of R&D of The Indonesian Army Reviewed the Production of Tactical Vehicles P6 ATAV V3

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Head of Research and Development of the Indonesian Army, Brigadier General Terry Tresna Purnama, accompanied by Chief Material Officer Colonel Slamet Riyanto, reviewed the production workshop of the third-generation P6 ATAV tactical vehicles produced by PT. Sentra Surya Ekajaya (SSE) in Tangerang on Thursday, March 25, 2021.

In his address, Brigadier General Terry Tresna Purnama expressed admiration and pride for the importance of adaptive research and development. He emphasized that the Indonesian Army Research and Development Agency possesses 150 advanced testing tools, prepared under the guidance of the Indonesian Army leadership. These tools undergo testing according to established mechanisms and procedures, regardless of the material being tested.

The availability of testing equipment at Indonesian Army Research and Development Agency is closely tied to its partners, particularly SSE, a defence industry company specializing in military vehicle design and production, including armoured personnel carriers, tactical vehicles, and armoured reconnaissance vehicles. PT. SSE continuously innovates and keeps pace with technological advancements each year.

Brigadier General Terry Tresna Purnama emphasized that technological progress is essential to meet future demands and challenges. By collaborating with partners, Indonesian Army Research and Development Agency aims to accelerate the advancement and capabilities of the domestic military industry.

Therefore, the research results from Indonesian Army Research and Development Agency are not limited to research and development alone; there must be follow-up actions. As military equipment needs continue to evolve in line with the demands and challenges of the future, which are increasingly complex and adaptive,“ said the Head of Indonesian Army Research and Development Agency.

During the visit, attended by SSE CEO, Eka Suryajaya, expressed appreciation to Head of Indonesian Army Research and Development Agency for taking the time to visit SSE.

“Hopefully, this can enhance collaboration in the field of research and development, especially in the area of defence industry equipment design and production, including innovative and creative approaches for armoured personnel carriers, tactical vehicles, and armoured reconnaissance vehicles, utilizing the expertise of native Indonesian professionals, most of whom are graduates of ITB“ he added.

SSE is a leading private manufacturer of armoured vehicles committed to developing expertise and military product technology in Indonesia.

Since its establishment, SSE has been committed to successfully producing and developing various types of combat and multi-mission tactical vehicles to meet the military vehicle needs, both specifically for the Indonesian Army and generally for the entire Indonesian National Armed Forces in an adaptive manner.

SSE is a defence industry company specializing in Military Vehicle Equipment that designs and manufactures armoured personnel carriers, tactical vehicles, and armoured reconnaissance vehicles. Among these, they produce various variants of the P2 KM, P2 APC, P2 KM, and P6 ATAV.

During a recent visit, PT. SSE presented its activities and engaged in discussions about current achievements and future development towards an advanced and strategic domestic defence industry.

Following the presentation, the Head of Research and Development had the opportunity to visit engineering facilities, discuss engineering and design methods, product development processes, and their implementation in analysis, design, and data processing for manufacturing.

Subsequently, there was an inspection of SSE’s manufacturing facilities, covering the entire fabrication process from parts inspection and component manufacturing to final assembly and quality inspection of finished products. As part of this facility tour, the Head of Research and Development reviewed several prototypes, including the P2 APC, P2KM, and P6 ATAV V3, and observed the development process of the P2 APC in the full-scale mock-up phase

Looking ahead, the flagship products include the P6 ATAV, P2 APC, and P2 KM. The P6 ATAV (All Terrain Assault Vehicle) is a special forces military vehicle capable of performing various cross-over missions. It is designed to allow armed personnel rapid intervention with high speed and strength, operating remotely in 4x4 terrain for quick tactical responses. The P6 ATAV’s critical advantage lies in its adaptability across all conquest terrains, and it can be transported via underslung helicopters or within a Hercules C130.

Additionally, the P2-KM Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle is an extraordinary, armoured reconnaissance vehicle equipped with long-range weapon stations for 7.62 mm to 12.7 mm machine guns and various optronics for reconnaissance missions.

During the inspection visit by Head of Research and Development of the Indonesian Army to PT. SEE, key personnel included CEO Eka Suryajaya, Technology Director Yusuf Nurdin, Procurement Manager Billy Sanjaya, and Engineer Budhi Murniawan

Source: tniad.mil.id